Monday, July 13, 2009
"Amazing Grass" Giveaway
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6:22 PM
Labels: Amazing Grass, blog crushes, contests, deliciousness, eat, food, giveaway at Oh She Glows, Green Monsters, healthy eating, nutrition, superfood, win free stuff
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The Beauty Queen Bows Out
(Psst! Yes, I know the title is sort of lame. She’s much more than a beauty queen now, etc., etc. But it sounded good and it is original. So just revel in my creativity... and don't analyze the title). I am undecided on what I think of Sarah Palin (I’ll talk more about this in a latter post). Perhaps I am tainted by the biased reporting of secular media, but to me she seems a surprising, puzzling and unpredictable character. Now whether or not these are virtues or vices depends on how you look at it. Most would agree, however, that her recent decision to resign from governor of Alaska was both shocking and unexpected.
I admit to being slightly irked by this news, thinking to myself “Palin, Palin, why must you always be so out-spoken and untactful? Don’t you realize that you are just feeding the media another sensationalist headline with your name on it?” It seemed that by solidifying her image as a babbling, inexperienced diva that just did whatever popped into her head, this once-promising politician was only further decreasing her credibility and potential. That is kind of what I thought at first. Today, however, I came across an intriguing article on Yahoo! that explored the subject of Palin’s resignation with a different perspective. Here are some excerpts.
Sarah Palin is a sinner. She has violated several commandments and thoroughly deserves the savage beating that she is now getting from political mandarins and media elites.
…Let us list just some of the political commandments she has recently violated: Thou shalt not surprise the media.
Palin announces she is quitting her job as governor of Alaska, and she catches everybody by surprise. What is up with that?
Where were the leaks and the trial balloons? Why weren’t the media alerted so they could have predicted it?
When you do what the media have predicted, you are “savvy.” You are a “skilled” and “adept” politician.
If you surprise the media, however, you are “out of control” and “bizarre” and even “egotistical.” (Though I have always believed that accusing politicians of being egotistical is like accusing ballerinas of dancing on their toes.)
How badly do some in the media take to surprise? Here is CNN’s Rick Sanchez on Palin’s announcement that she was leaving office prematurely. “Is there anything going on with her that perhaps may lead her to want to make this decision, and the one thing that’s still left out there is, hey, could she be pregnant again?” Sanchez asked.
Could be, Rick. Or maybe it was just her time of month, because, hey, that’s why woman politicians make the decisions they do, right?
But you can see why some in the media were shocked and dismayed. Imagine abandoning your office! Imagine quitting and deserting the voters who elected you!
Though this is what Bob Dole did in 1996, didn’t he? Dole resigned his Senate seat to run for president. I remember it. I was standing right there when he did it. And I don’t recall anybody accusing him of being a quitter. Or of being pregnant.
…She is a dumb hick, a nobody from nowhere. She hunts moose with a chainsaw from the back of a snowmobile or something. Just listen to her resignation speech. It was not slick or polished or written by somebody else. She appeared to deliver it off the top of her head as if she were a real person. What a doofus!
Doesn’t she know that the highest form of political communication today is to exactly regurgitate a speech written for you by a speechwriter who has crafted, vetted and polled every phrase, line and word?
But listen to Palin. Listen to how “rambling” and “disjointed” she is. Once upon a time in American politics, this was known as being “plain-spoken,” but that time has gone. An entire industry of political consultants has grown up to make sure politicians are never plain-spoken. Sarah Palin does not get this. Which is to say she is not very bright. (Or else she is pregnant, in which case, I apologize.) …
Only time will tell what the hockey-mom-turned-politician has up her sleeve next. I for one, am eager to see what her future holds.
The above article was written by Roger Simon. It can be viewed in its entirety at:
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2:13 AM
Labels: media bias, news, politics, Sarah Palin
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
“I’m not crazy; I’m just a little unwell…”
I just got back from this psychology class that I am taking at the community college for the spring semester. Today we covered abnormal psychology which was, well, odd. It kind of freaks me out. It's not that I don't have sympathy for the people who suffer from those mental conditions, it's just that I am so near the brink of insanity myself that it frightens me to see into that distorted world. One good thing about it, though, is that after hearing of these crazy behaviors I am thankful that I am pretty normal. I mean, really, what do I have to complain about? My life is pretty great. Yes, it's filled with uncertainty, doubt, worry, perfectionism…things I need to work through and deal with…but it is also filled with wonderful, happy things. Like my family, my faith, my imagination, the beautiful things of life, and how blessed I am overall to have a safe, clean home and plenty food to eat. I have so many gifts and talents; we all do. I just need to focus on cultivating those talents instead of counting my flaws and problems. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at that. But I know that each day that life is getting better. Because God is with me, with you, with all of us, every moment of our lives. I know that this sounds terribly cliché, but have you ever really thought about what that means? I try to sometimes but it's just way too big for me to understand. But sometimes I just feel a sense of peace knowing He is here, always. I so glad! What does all of this have to do with psychology, though? Well, it just reminds me of my 'issues.' I'm hesitant to share those things because a) it's personal and probably really boring to most people, b) I don't know how open I should be on here, since it is the Internet and all, and c) what would it accomplish? If it would help someone, sure, I would share, but I don't want to just sound like I'm moaning about my problems. I'll just have to pray about it and see the direction that things take with this blog. Despite the abovementioned hesitations, I really have no probably sharing that stuff. I just want to make sure it's the right thing to do. Oh, and just to appease your curiosity 'it' isn't that exciting, juicy, shocking, or scandalous. I don't have any skeletons in my closet, or anything. This post's title is a reference to the Matchbox 20 song "I'm Not Crazy."(Frankly, I don't even understand that song. It just popped into my head and seemed fairly fitting to the content of this post.) Oh, and if you wish to hear the song you can listen to it on YouTube.
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2:40 PM
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Website: Free Fonts Galore

...aren't computers wonderful (in a frustratingly fantastic way).
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12:40 PM
Labels: creativity, design, fonts, free stuff, fun, website to check out
Friday, June 19, 2009
Review: Yoplait® Light
Recently, while in my local Meijer, I had this irrepressible urge to give in and buy all the flavors I could find of Yoplait's decadent dessert-themed yogurts. With flavors like "Pineapple-Upside Down Cake" (which I love! The real thing, that is!), "Raspberry Cheesecake" and "Cinnamon Roll," I was sold. (Plus, they were on sale for 50 cents a piece. ) So I toted home my 60 ounces of yogurt--I didn't actually buy all the flavors; just 10 of them:
1. Apple Turnover
2. Strawberry Shortcake
3. Lemon Cream Pie
4. Orange Crème
5. Pineapple Upside Down Cake
6. Raspberry Cheesecake
7. Boston Cream Pie
8. Peaches ‘N Cream
9. Cherry Cobbler
10. Cinnamon Roll
After trying all of these, my rule of thumb would be to not expect the real thing." It ain't gonna happen. These are good yogurts, but don't hold a candle to an actual piece of cake. There are a few acceptations, but I wouldn't buy most of them again.
"Apple Turnover" wasn't too bad; it at least had nice chunks of apples in it.

"Orange Crème" was pretty good. Not bad. It was kind of like an oran

"Boston Cream Pie" majorly disappointed. This one falls into the 'sweet nothings' category. It wa

And, finally, "Cinnamon Roll."** Nothing special here. Another 'sweet nothing.' Real cinnamon rolls are so much better, in my opinion. It's just too hard to compare a measly little yogurt to one.
Now, before you decide never to buy the flavors I didn't care for, let me remind you that flavor is subjective. Just because I did or didn't like it does not mean you will feel the same way. I ususally don't even like flavored yogurt because it is so sweet. Normally I'll just get fat-free, low-sugar plain or vanilla and add fruit to it. But because I love my desserts, I had to try these. (Yeah, normally I eat way too much sugar; that's why I try to pare back on things I don't like a lot of it in--like yogurt.) You really need to try them yourself, to decide.
Another thing to keep in mind is the nutrition facts of these yogurts. You can see the specific numbers for each flavor on the Yoplait website here and here. All are fat free, either 100 calories (for fruit flavors) or 110 calories (for indulgent flavors), contain 20% of daily calcium (plus vitamin D), have around 5-10 grams of protein, and 14 or 15 grams of sugar.

Friday, June 5, 2009
Night at the Museum 2

1) Amy Adams’—she’s a great actress, by the way, and so cute in this movie—character, Amelia Earhart, had some seriously tight pants. But Amelia Earhart was a pilot and that was what pilots wore, so that wasn’t really a big deal to me. Despite the fact that one of my younger brothers said “I wish they would’ve left Amelia Earhart out,” I think her darling spunk contributed greatly to the plot and atmosphere of the movie. Plus, it’s nice to see a heroine with some moxie (as Amelia herself would say), and I’ve kind of concluded that said brother is just at that all-girls-have-cooties-except-for-mom stage.
2) I kind of winced when Amelia (yep, I’m really picking on her) said the only reason to do anything is “for the fun of it.” This advice may just be a manifestation of Amelia’s spritely personality, though; I think she means well. On the positive side, one of the underlying messages of the film is that one should do what he/she loves rather than what makes the most money. Maybe that’s all she was trying to say.
3) Language: a couple instances of misusing God’s name, one use of “sucks” (I thought it was almost unnoticeable, though).
4) “Roosevelt tells Larry, ‘Sometimes it's more noble to tell a small lie than deliver a painful truth’—a questionable conviction portrayed in a positive light. Later, Larry puts that idea to work when he chooses not to be entirely forthright with Amelia.” (qtd. from PIO review). Tsk, tsk, tsk! Lying is bad. May have to clarify this with young viewers.
5) That’s about it on my list (pretty tame, right) but if you want a thorough dissection of the movie check out Plugged In Online’s movie review. As much as I love Plugged In Online, I have to admit that sometimes they tend to over-analyze things (like the “little midnight cowboy” reference you’ll see in this review. I would’ve never made that connection, and I don’t even remember it in the movie). But I would rather they over-analyze than trivialize things. Even if I don’t always agree with every little criticism, I certainly appreciate their attention in pointing them out. When it comes to entertainment choices, it is decidedly better to be over-informed than under-informed. Bottom line: I find their reviews to be really thorough and helpful (probably the best out there that I know of). Yet every so often it is necessary to take it with a grain of salt.
Overall, this is a fabulously fun flick. I most certainly recommend it! (Plus, you'll come away with a trove of cheeky one-liners and enough notable-quotables to annoy your family until Night at the Museum 3 comes out).
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10:59 AM
Labels: Amy Adams, Ben Stiller, distraction, entertainment, history, movies, Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian, Plugged In Online, review
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Chick Flicks, Disney Stars and Other Important Things
Don't get me wrong, I think Disney shows are the lamest thing ever: bad acting, cheesy lines, predictable plots, middle school humor, and gaudy sets. But I do admit to liking a couple of the stars of these shows. If only for their youthful exuberance and the fact that they are not (yet) tainted too much by fame and money. I hope this next generation of Disney starlets stays pure, and just, you know, good. So hard to find these days among any sort of celebrity figure. Of course no one is perfect and Hollywood shouldn't ever really the place to look for role models (although it is), but I keep hoping that cute, bubbly Selena won't turn into the next Britney Spears. The pressure must be so intense; I can't even imagine how hard it must be to even attempt to maintain one's morals and beliefs in that kind of atmosphere.
One thing is certain, though. We need to PRAY for these girls and all celebrities, famous figures, athletes, musicians, and all those in a position to influence and inspire others. Actually, let's just pray for the whole world! There are no limits to God's love and mercy so why not ask for it all? It's the least we can do.
Okay, after you've said a quick prayer for everybody-in-the-world-but-especially-celebrities, check out this video. *Smile* I can't wait for Princess Protection Program! I LOVE girly-girl movies, and I LOVE princess movies. I probably won't see it until I watch it with my own daughters, though, because with a household full of brothers, when we rent a movie it's usually not a princess movie! (You can imagine, I'm sure).
Speaking of movies, I still want to see the Hannah Montana movie. The trailer did look fun. Not a classic, but fun--and clean. And that is saying a lot. It's sad, though, that I have to resort to Disney to watch a clean chick flick. Maybe someday my little sister and I can escape and watch all those girly movies without any males giving us a hard time. Maybe someday we'll make our own awesome chick flicks that don't have all that nasty stuff in them. Sure, we can do it. Anything is possible with God!
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12:11 AM
Labels: celebrities, chick flicks, Demi Lovato, Disney, Hannah Montana movie, media evangelization, Miley Cyrus, popular culture, prayer, Princess Protection Program, Selena Gomez